CLI Commands


If you do not have MarkBind installed globally, you can still use MarkBind commands by prefixing the commands with npx. For example, markbind init becomes npx markbind-cli init.

If you have MarkBind installed locally, you may also refer to the scripts section of your package.json file for the commands you can use. For example, npm run init for markbind init.

An overview of MarkBind's Command Line Interface (CLI) can be referenced with markbind --help:

$ markbind --help
Usage: markbind <command>
   -V, --version                      output the version number
   -h, --help                         output usage information
   init|i [options] [root]            init a markbind website project
   serve|s [options] [root]           build then serve a website from a directory
   build|b [options] [root] [output]  build a website
   deploy|d [options] [root]          deploy the latest build of the site to the repo's Github pages

init Command

Format: markbind init [options] [root]

Alias: markbind i

Description: Initializes a directory into a MarkBind site by creating a skeleton structure for the website which includes a and a site.json.


  • [root]
    Root directory. Default is the current directory.
    Example ./myWebsite


  • -c, --convert
    Convert an existing GitHub wiki or docs folder into a MarkBind website. See Converting an existing GitHub project for more information.

  • -t, --template
    When initialising MarkBind, change the template that you start with. See templates.


  • markbind init : Initializes the site in the current working directory.
  • markbind init ./myWebsite : Initializes the site in ./myWebsite directory.
  • markbind init --convert --template minimal: Converts the GitHub wiki or docs folder in the current working directory into a minimal MarkBind website.

serve Command

Format: markbind serve [options] [root]

Alias: markbind s

Description: Does the following steps:

  1. Builds the site and puts the generated files in a directory named _site.
  2. Starts a web server instance locally and makes the site available at by default.
  3. Opens a live preview of the website.


  • [root]
    Root directory. The default is the directory where this command was executed.
    Example ./myWebsite


  • -o <file>, --one-page <file>
    Serves only a single page from your website initially. If <file> is not specified, it defaults to
    • Thereafter, when changes to source files have been made, the opened pages will be rebuilt if it was affected.
    • Navigating to a new page will build the new page, if it has not been built before, or there were some changes to source files that affected it before navigating to it.
    • Example --one-page guide/


Essentially, this optional feature is very useful when writing content, more so if your build times are starting to slow down!

The caveat is that not building all pages during the initial process, or not rebuilding all affected pages when a file changes, will cause your search results for these pages to be empty or outdated, until you navigate to them to trigger a rebuild.

  • -b, --background-build [BETA]
    If --one-page is specified, this mode enhances the single-page serve by building the pages that are not yet built or marked to be rebuilt in the background.

    You can still edit the pages during the background build. When MarkBind detects changes to the source files, the background build will stop, rebuild the files affected, then resumes the background build with the remaining pages.

  • -s <file>, --site-config <file>
    Specify the site config file (default: site.json)
    Example -s otherSite.json

  • -n, --no-open
    Don't open a live preview in the browser automatically.

  • -f, --force-reload
    Force live reload to process all files in the site, instead of just the relevant files. This option is useful when you are modifying a file that is not a file type monitored by the live preview feature.

  • -a <address>, --address <address>
    Specify the server address/host (Default is
    Supports both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
    Examples -a, -a ::1

  • -p <port>, --port <port>
    Serve the website in the specified port (Default is 8080).


  • markbind serve : Serves the site from the current working directory.
  • markbind serve ./myWebsite : Serves the site from the ./myWebsite directory.
  • markbind serve -p 8888 -s otherSite.json : Serves the site in Port 8888 from the current working directory, using otherSite.json as the site configuration file.

build Command

Format: markbind build [options] [root] [output]

Alias: markbind b

Description: Generates the site to the directory named _site in the current directory.


  • [root]
    Root directory. Default is the current directory.
    Example ./myWebsite

  • [root] [output]
    Read source files from the [root] directory and put the generated files in the specified [output] directory. Default output directory is _site.
    Example ./myWebsite ./myWebsite/myOutDir


  • --baseUrl <base>
    Override the baseUrl property (read from the site.json) with the given <base> value.
    Example --baseUrl staging

  • -s <file>, --site-config <file>
    Specify the site config file (default: site.json)
    Example -s otherSite.json


  • markbind build : Generates the site from the current working directory.
  • markbind build ./myWebsite : Generates the site from the ./myWebsite directory.
  • markbind build ./myWebsite ./myOutDir : Generates the site from the ./myWebsite directory to the ./myOutDir directory.
  • markbind build ./stagingDir --baseUrl staging : Generates the site from the ./stagingDir directory, with the baseUrl property in site.json set to staging.

deploy Command

Format: markbind deploy [options] [root]

Alias: markbind d

Description: Deploys the site to the repo's GitHub pages by generating the site (default dir: _site) and pushing the generated site to the gh-pages branch of the current git working directory's remote repo.


  • [root]
    Root directory. Default is the current directory.
    Example ./myWebsite


  • -c <githubTokenName>, --ci <githubTokenName>
    Deploy the site in CI Environments using the GitHub personal access token stored in <githubTokenName> (default: GITHUB_TOKEN).
    Example -c PA_TOKEN

  • -n, --no-build
    Skips the generation of the site before deploying it. By default, the deploy command generates the site before deploying the built site. This command should be used if the site needs to be generated with non-default arguments for the build command (e.g. baseUrl is specified using the --baseUrl flag for the markbind build command).

  • -s <file>, --site-config <file>
    Specify the site config file (default: site.json).
    Example -s otherSite.json

Related: User Guide: Deploying the Website.


  • markbind deploy : Deploys after generating the site from the current working directory.
  • markbind deploy ./myWebsite : Deploys after generating the site from the ./myWebsite directory.
  • markbind deploy --no-build : Deploys the site from the current working directory without generating it.

--help Option

Format: markbind [command] --help

Alias: markbind [command] -h

Description: Prints a summary of MarkBind commands or a detailed usage guide for the given command.


  • markbind --help : Prints a summary of MarkBind commands.
  • markbind serve --help : Prints a detailed usage guide for the serve command.