<annotate src="../../images/annotateSampleImage.png" width="500" alt="Sample Image">
<a-point x="25%" y="25%" content="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" />
<a-point x="50%" y="25%" content="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" label="1a"/>
<a-point x="50%" y="25%" content="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet" label="1b" legend="both"/>
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<li><a href="#dropdown" class="dropdown-item">Another action</a></li>
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<li><a href="#dropdown" class="dropdown-item">Separated link</a></li>
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<!-- use type="checkbox" for checkbox questions -->
<question type="mcq" header="Which of these **contradicts** the heuristics recommended when creating test cases with multiple inputs?">
<!-- Insert the reason for the option using the reason attribute -->
<q-option reason="This option **does not contradict the heuristics recommended**. We need to figure out if a positive test case works!">
Each valid test input should appear at least once in a test case that doesn’t have any invalid inputs.
It is ok to combine valid values for different inputs.
No more than one invalid test input should be in a given test case.
<!-- Use the 'correct' attribute to indicate an option as correct. -->
<q-option correct>
All invalid test inputs must be tested together.
<!-- Optionally, you may use a reason slot instead of a reason attribute. -->
<div slot="reason">
If you test all invalid test inputs together, you will not know if each one of the invalid inputs are handled
correctly by the SUT.
This is because most SUTs return an error message upon encountering the first invalid input.
<div slot="hint">
How do you figure out which inputs are wrong? (or correct)
<question type="blanks" hint="Google it!">
###### German sociologist __________ called the process of simultaneously analyzing the behavior of individuals and the society that shapes that behavior __________.
<q-option keywords="Norbert Elias, Elias" reason="That's his name!"></q-option>
<q-option keywords="figuration"></q-option>
<question type="text" header="Which country did the Hawaiian pizza originate from?"
keywords="hawaii" threshold="0.5" answer="It originated from Hawaii!">
<div slot="hint">
Watch some pizza commercials! :tv:
:pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza: :pizza:
<question type="mcq">...</question>
<question type="checkbox">...</question>
<question type="blanks">...</question>
<question type="text">...</question>
* [**Getting Started**](/userGuide/gettingStarted.html)
* **Authoring Contents** :expanded:
* [Overview](/userGuide/authoringContents.html)
* [Adding Pages](/userGuide/addingPages.html)
* [MarkBind Syntax Overview](/userGuide/markBindSyntaxOverview.html)
* [Formatting Contents](/userGuide/formattingContents.html)
* [Using Components](/userGuide/usingComponents.html)
<tab header="First tab">
Content of the first tab
<tab header="Second tab">
Contents of the second tab
<tab-group header="Third tab group :tv:">
<tab header="Stars :star:">
Some stuff about stars ...
<tab header="Moon">
Some stuff about the moon ...
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